Attention OANDP-L,
An quick note that the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists
web site has just finished going through an overhaul, and has a whole
new look navigation system.
We will continue to be adding new and updated information to the site
which will be of benefit to Academy members and non-members as well.
Be sure to keep an eye on the Highlights segment of the Academy home
page for update information.
We are pleased to announce that over 1200 people accessed the Online
JPO library during its first month online! This valuable resource will
become even more accessable as we complete the development of an
advanced search engine feature which will allow for full text search
capabilities. Keep watching for updates.
The JPO Library, including over 1800 pages of text and 2000 images, is
found at the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists Website
We are always looking for suggestions on what we can provide to
better service the membership. If you have suggestions, please feel free
to let the Academy know.
Have a good weekend!
Paul E. Prusakowski, CPO
Chair, Online Education and Multimedia Technologies Committee