Shoulder Dislocation Orthoses-
Most of these orthoses are similar in outline and principle by have a vest
type appearance, with a single short sleeve on the involved shoulder. The
motion is limited w/ either straps or simple joints. I have used the Sawa
shoulder Brace twice on athletes w/ very good results.
Sawa Shoulder Brace, available through Brace International, Atlanta , GA.
(800)-545-1161. Canvas with velcro limiter straps.
Shoulder Subluxation Inhibitor (SSI), available through Boston Brace
International (800)262-2235, and/or Physical Support Systems, NH (800)
222-5009. Molded plastic type, w/ motion limiting joints.
Duke Wyre Shoulder Vest, available through C D Denison, Baltimore MD> (410)
235-9645. Canvas type, w/ motion limiting lacing.
Curtis shoulder Cuff (219) 267-6639. Neoprene type, w/ motion limiting
Good luck, Steve Baum, C.O. San Mateo, CA. Novacare O+P.