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ATTENTION: all Canadian P&O professionals who normally receive the
editions of the Prosthetic & Orthotic Newsletter.
I am pilotting the distribution of the newsletter via the Internet. I
am able to create PDF files (Portable Document Files) of the
newsletter that are readable across all platforms normally used. Such
as Windows 95, NT, 3.0, etc., MacOS, UNIX, etc..
To read the file you will need Adobe’s Acrobat Reader 3.0 or greater.
This is available free from Adobe’s website at:
If you any of you are interested in receiving the PDF file of the
newsletter, please e-mail me at “[email protected]”. I will in turn send
it as an attached file with a return e-mail.
The attached file is 552 kilobytes in size so it may take a couple of
minutes to download. This has worked out well so far with the
individuals I have sent it to. My plan is to distribute the newsletter
in this fashion to minimize our mailings and reduce the amount of
paper we use. Thanks!
Dan Blocka, B.Sc., C.O.(c), F.C.B.C.
Editor & Publisher,
Prosthetic & Orthotic Newsletter
e-mail – [email protected]
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ON: all Canadian P&O professionals who normally receive the editions
of the Prosthetic & Orthotic Newsletter.
I am pilotting the distribution of the newsletter via the Internet. I
am able to create PDF files (Portable Document Files) of the
newsletter that are readable across all platforms normally used. Such
as Windows 95, NT, 3.0, etc., MacOS, UNIX, etc..
To read the file you will need Adobe’s Acrobat Reader 3.0 or greater.
This is available free from Adobe’s website at:
If you any of you are interested in receiving the PDF file of the
newsletter, please e-mail me at “[email protected]”. I will in turn send
it as an attached file with a return e-mail.
The attached file is 552 kilobytes in size so it may take a couple of
minutes to download. This has worked out well so far with the
individuals I have sent it to. My plan is to distribute the newsletter
in this fashion to minimize our mailings and reduce the amount of
paper we use. Thanks!
Dan Blocka, B.Sc., C.O.(c), F.C.B.C.
Editor & Publisher,
Prosthetic & Orthotic Newsletter
e-mail – [email protected]