Subject: Request for prosthetist feedback on lower-limb socket volume control devices
Dear List-member
At the Department of Bioengineering, University of Washington,
we are embarking on a study of the biomechanical behavior of
devices that actively control socket volume.
Examples of these include
1. Otto Bocks’ Air Contact System
2. Otto Bocks’ Silicone Liner
3. Prosthetic Concepts’ Pneu-Fit
4. Michael Love’s Pump IT Up System
We are interested in getting feedback from users of these devices,
on the relative benefits and disadvantages of the these systems.
If you have fitted, or are using, below-knee or above-knee sockets
with active volume-control, we would like to hear from you.
We are specifically interested in how effective these
products are in compensating for day-to-day changes in the volume/shape of
the residual limb, and whether these have a perceptible effect on
skin abrasion/irritation.
If you have experience with the products listed above or with any other
similar inflatable devices please reply with the name of the product to:
We plan to initially build a database of amputees and prosthetists
who can advise us. As the research continues we may ask you to reply to
specific questions about the products you have experience with.
Thanking you,
Joan E. Sanders, Ph.D.
Department of Bioengineering
University of Washington.
Sung-Joon Cho
Assistant Researcher