Technology: Changing the Way We Practice
As clinicians we must truly consider the value of our time-what is becoming more efficient worth to us? What if...
Online Resources Help Tackle Tough Clinical Questions
Carolyn Blythe, NCOPE Resident There are numerous resources available to practitioners investigating a challenging clinical question. The search feature available...
Welcome to the Premier Issue of the O&P EDGE
From the Editor: Miki Fairley With pride and enthusiasm, we present our premiere issue of The O&P EDGE! Thank you...
Introducing the O&P EDGE Advisory Board
NOTE: This page was originally presented online in May 2002 - it has been updated since that time. David Adams,...
NAAOP: Fighting for O&P
Mike Allen, CPO, FAAOP, President, NAAOP The National Association for the Advancement of Orthotics and Prosthetics (NAAOP) is proud to...
Horton Achieves Technology Breakthrough
Kathy, a polio patient from Florida, Participated in clinical trials with orthotist last August. Gary Horton, CO, has accomplished what...
Measuring the Value of a Satellite Office
Randy Schmitke, CPA, MBA Have you ever been in a position to ask these questions: Should we keep that satellite...
New Latin American O&P Federation Formed
Juan Carlos Camacho Gomez A historic meeting of Latin American orthotic and prosthetic organizations was held February 28-March 2 in...
Barr Foundation and TracerCad Aid Amputees
Tony Barr Fourteen amputees, mostly landmine victims, received prosthetic assistance during the second phase of the Barr Foundation's ongoing program...
WRF Plans New P&O Programs
WRF The World Rehabilitation Fund (WRF) has recently launched an orthotic/prosthetic aid initiative in Kazakhstan, according to Anthony Staros, WRF...