Haiti: Reflecting on the First Year of O&P Relief Efforts
In a few brief, horrifying moments, more than 300,000 lives were snuffed out, and tens of thousands of others were...
Landmines Continue to Claim Victims
Landmines have been called "weapons of mass destruction in slow motion" and "devils in the dirt." Long after conflicts have...
Three Months at Klinik Hanger
A first-person retrospective by Anna Avakian, CPO It's amazing how a simple task like tightening a foot bolt can...
Face to Face: Rebecca K. Ferris, CPO
Rebecca Ferris, CPO, lives by the motto "Do good." Born into a large Irish family with relatives in the United...
Got FAQs?
Denials are difficult to identify and time-consuming to appeal. Count on "Got FAQs?" to help you sort through the complexities...
Bill Ash and the Bucket List
"My freshman philosophy professor assigned this exercise and called it a bucket list. You were supposed to make a list...
Bridging the Gap
Evidence-based practice is a modern phrase. Is it always practical? Evidence-based practice, the conscious and systematic use of the best-available...