Academy Society Spotlight: Sensory Processing Sensitivities: Pediatric Orthotic Considerations
Sensory processing has been defined as "the neurological process that organizes sensation from one's own body and from the...
C-Brace Helps Mother Return to an Active Life
Hannah Eldridge had scoliosis as a child, which caused numbness and shooting pains in her back and legs. In...
Exploring Your Options as an O&P Educator
To continue to educate future O&P practitioners, there is a need for experienced certified practitioners to consider teaching. There...
How International Training Develops Innovative and Compassionate Clinicians
The rapid development of technology in the 20th and 21st centuries has undoubtedly resulted in a world in which...
MAAT: Providing Understanding and Order to the Construct of Prosthetic Mobility
In its original application, maat refers to the ancient Egyptian concept of truth, balance, and order. It was also...
Multitasking or Multifailing?
Multitasking is more like multifailing. If you are someone who is proud of how quickly you can switch between texting,...
Needs Assessment Survey Results for an O&P Doctoral Program
The concept of a terminal doctoral degree in O&P has been discussed for several years. In May 2015 the...
O&P Ten Years Later, Part Two: The Economics of Outcomes
In early 2009, O&P experts identified trends most likely to impact the profession during the next decade and discussed...
Prótesis Imbabura: A Case Study on Sustainability in Ecuador
When I walked into Prótesis Imbabura Clinic, I saw Ecuadorian O&P clinicians Gabriela Dávila fitting AFOs on triplets with...
Wait, Don’t Write Off That Claim!
The sentence almost every business owner hates the most is, "We'll have to write it off." It is just as...