In recognition of its tenth anniversary, the Orthotic and Prosthetic Education and Research Foundation (OPERF) named each recipient of an OPERF award throughout its history. OPERF awards grants to promote O&P research with the goal of raising the standards of education and research in the profession. The foundation also assists students attending or entering O&P education programs by providing competitive grants and awards as they pursue careers as O&P professionals, faculty, or researchers.
Since OPERF’s inception, nearly $500,000 in research and education grants and fellowships have been awarded, and OPERF-sponsored studies have produced 19 peer-reviewed publications and more than 40 conference presentations.
The awards and their recipients are as follows:
Tamarack Prize for Outstanding Contribution to Orthotic Science and Practice
The award, sponsored by Tamarack Habilitation Technologies, recognizes the critical importance of clinical research, design development, and education in the pursuit of improved patient outcomes.
2017 Jonathan Naft, CPO, LPO
2013 Thomas Gavin, CO
2011 Don Katz, CO, LO, FAAOP
2009 Gary Horton, CO, FAAOP
Carlton Fillauer Prize for Outstanding Contribution to Prosthetics Science and Practice
The award, sponsored by the Fillauer Companies, recognizes prosthetists who have actively engaged in clinical care, research, and publication.
2018 Shane R. Wurdeman, PhD, MSPO, CP, FAAOP
2016 Donald R. Cummings, CP, LP, FAAOP
2014 Phillip M. Stevens, MEd, CPO, FAAOP
OPERF/ABC Resident Travel Award
The award, with the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics and Pedorthics (ABC), supports O&P residents’ travel to American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists (the Academy) Annual Meeting and Scientific Symposiums.
2017 Cassandra Delgado, CO
Sarah Hutchinson, CPO
Rachael Rosen, CO
2016 Kyle Barrons, CPO, MSOP
2015 Dana Schack, CP
Michael Socie
Tyler Klenow, MSOP, CPT-ACSM
2013 Beth Halsne, CPO
Marisa Berkowitz
2012 Abbey Meyer, LO
Megan Zachar, MSPO, CO
2011 Brock Sande, CP
John Frederick, CO/LO, BEP
2010 Richard Hunsaker
2009 Brian Ardnt
Small Grants Award
The award provides funding to support clinically relevant, investigator-initiated O&P research.
2018 Goeran Feidler
2017 Shannon Mathis, PhD
2016 Andrew B. Sawers, CPO, MSPO, PhD
2015 Elisa Arch, PhD
2014 Brian Hafner, PhD
Kim Seok Hun, PT, PhD
2012 Larissa Pavone, MD
Stefania Fatone, PhD, BPO (Hons)
2011 Kinsey Herrin, MSPO, LPO, CPO
Mark D. Geil, PhD
2010 Jason Wening, MS, CP, BEO
2009 Joan Sanders, PhD
Fellowship Award
The award is for students who are currently enrolled in a master’s and/or PhD educational program.
2018 Kyle Leister
2017 Jessica Zistatsis, BS
2016 Gary Louis Wall, CFo, CPed
2015 Corin Shirley
2014 Sara Peterson, MS, CPO, FAAOP
2013 Erin Boutwell, MS
2012 Christopher Baschuk, BS
Shane Wurdeman, CP, MSPO
2010 Angelika Zissimopoulos, MS
Daniel Abrahamson, CPO
2009 Andrew Sawers, CPO
Sarah Koehler, MS
Education Awards Program
Educator Award
The award supports O&P educators who are pursuing advanced degrees.
2018 Daniel Lee, PT, DPT, GCS
Ashley Mullen, MSAT, CPO, LPO
2012 Sara Peterson, CPO, CFM, MBA, FAAOP;
Chris Hovorka, MS, CPO, LPO, FAAOP;
Nathan Sutti, CPO, CTPO, LPO
2011 Sara Peterson, MBA, CPO, CFM
2010 Christopher Hovorka, MS, CPO, LPO, FAAOP
Christopher Robinson, MBA, CPO, ATC
OPERF/ABC Student Award for Academic Achievement
This award, with ABC, supports O&P students.
2017 Sarah Cheever
Emily Chizmar
Rebecca Sari Cook
Kierra Falbo
Paco Galvan
Spencer Leckrone, BS
Maria Lesieutre
Ciera Price
Roger Rose
Jacalyn Sickels
Rebecca Frost
2016 David Ben Wright
David Boe
Chui-Miin Lee
Lonnica Johnson
Mark Tovar
Mitchell Himmel
Samatha Wright
Steven Ogi
Taylor Hildebrand
Zachary Block
2015 Alexander Carter
Ashley Muller
Cassandra Delgado
Christian Estoquia
Yonadav Diamond
Jonathan Peurach
Kara Smith
Kathleen Carroll
Mary Littrell
Nora Doyle
2014 Allison Cerutti
David Trevisan
Nicholas Sellas, CPed
Nina Bondre, BS
Scott Bretl
2013 Allison Farnham
Colin Ashmore
Connie Chien
Jeremy Migner
Matthew Manges
Shawna Kelly
Steven Francis
2012 Scott Thach, BSME
Timothy Kunz
Gloria Cho
Darren Bolger
Kyle Rasmussen
2011 Caniel Marler
Elizabeth Selgrade
Lisa Hufman
Allison Ruta
Christopher Baschuk
2010 Tyler Dunham
Chrysta Irolla
Seamus Lawler, CP
Patrick Stempski