Ronald F. Altman CPO(E): A Lifetime of Making a World of Difference
Ronald Altman, center, with October 2005 CSPO graduating class. For some, it can take a lifetime to discover what direction...
Ronald Altman, center, with October 2005 CSPO graduating class. For some, it can take a lifetime to discover what direction...
Flashback to circa 1952. The place is Guadalajara, Mexico, known as the most Mexican of Mexican cities and a place...
From left: Michael, CPO; Karl, CPO, FAAOP; the late Carlton, CPO; and David, CPO. The Fillauer Companies have a long...
In the hopes of encouraging Americans to get moving and get in shape, the average person in the United States...
A graduate of the University of Southern California (USC) in 1978, Jeffry G. Kingsley had a wide array of choices...
A young and determined Deanna Fish had a plan: she intended to get into the medical field by completing a...
Throughout the field of orthotics and prosthetics, the family-run small business is not unusual. In any profession, running a small...
A career in radio and TV was the aspiration of a young, adventurous Kim Doolan. Writing and producing appealed to...
Whatever your connection with the field of O&P, you are bound to come across many people that inspire you and...
Gracious and affable, Kaia Halvorson, CPO, LPO, speaks with enthusiasm when discussing the future of O&P. Her mindset is such...
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