Alleles Design Studio
Alleles, headquartered in Victoria, Canada, integrates fashion into their intricate leg covers that were highlighted in Smithsonian Magazine. One of the company’s most popular designs is the Baller, a skull theme cover with design elements that include brass knuckles, diamond tufting, filigree from the dollar bill, and a top profile of a diamond near the bottom of the cover.
Socket Socks
Socket Socks, headquartered in Antigonish, Canada, are handmade Lycra covers custom fitted for prosthetic devices. The low price point has led to customers ordering multiple designs. Some of the fun designs include a pirate print, a mermaid print, and, for the holidays, an ugly Christmas sweater.
UNYQ has annual callouts for designers and patients with prostheses to pair up and come up with designs together. The San Francisco-headquartered company focuses on well-designed durable covers and has an app for patients to order new covers and take pictures of their devices to ensure the dimensions are correct.
Exact Replicas
With advances in technology, patients at A Step Ahead Prosthetics, headquartered in Long Island, New York, can get any design they want, including exact recreations of their sound side limb says Erik Schaffer, CP, owner and president. Patients can have their exact limb match from their skin tone down to the hair on their legs.
Custom Sockets
Patients who have a design-minded prosthetist can have a design built into their socket. Nancy Snyder, CPO/L, Hanger Clinic manager in Brunswick, Georgia, frequently uses her art degree to create custom-designed sockets for her patients. She has embedded rhinestones and custom cloth, and she can even give them a pearly shimmer similar to sports cars.
“There’s no extra price,” she says. “It takes an extra 30 minutes of time and makes a big difference for the patients. It’s a big part of why I’ve loved working at Hanger Clinic for 25 years—we have the fabrication abilities to bring each patient’s vision to life.”