The Baylor College of Medicine (BCM), Houston, Texas, Academic Council and Board of Trustees have approved the new master of science in orthotics and prosthetics degree program through the School of Allied Health Sciences.
The two-and-a-half year program will consist of one year of basic science education and will also include 18 months of pre-graduate residency training through BCM’s affiliated institutions. Students will also be required to complete a research project prior to graduation.
Jared Howell, CPO, has been named the director of the program and Joshua B. Utay, CPO, has been named the assistant director. They will both begin in April 2012.
Howell has been assistant director of prosthetic education for the Northwestern University (Northwestern), Chicago, Illinois, Feinberg School of Medicine, for the past two years. He will complete a master of science degree in product design and development from the Northwestern McCormick School of Engineering in June 2012. Utay comes to BCM with more than 15 years of clinical practice, most recently as the residency director of Orthotic Solutions, Fairfax, Virginia.
The new program will enroll its first group of students in July 2013, with an expected graduation date of December 2015.