The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has announced that registration is now open to all suppliers interested in participating in the Round 1 Recompete of the Medicare Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Competitive Bidding Program. To submit a bid for the Round 1 Recompete, suppliers must register in the Individuals Authorized Access to the CMS Computer Services (IACS) online application. Once registered in IACS, suppliers will receive a user ID and password to access the online DMEPOS Bidding System (DBidS). Suppliers must register even if they have registered during a previous round of competition. Only suppliers that have a user ID and password will be able to access DBidS.
CMS has recommended that suppliers read the IACS Reference Guide, which offers step-by-step instructions and a “getting started” checklist.
Registration will close on Friday, October 19, 2012, at 9 p.m. ET.
CMS has also launched a comprehensive bidder education program that is designed to ensure that DMEPOS suppliers interested in bidding receive the information and assistance they need to submit complete bids in a timely manner. The Competitive Bidding Implementation Contractor (CBIC) website is the official information source for bidders and the focal point for bidder education.
The Round 1 Recompete timeline follows:
August 16, 2012: CMS announces bidding timeline, begins bidder education program.
August 20, 2012: Registration for user IDs and passwords begins.
September 7, 2012: “Authorized Officials” are strongly encouraged to register no later than this date.
September 28, 2012: “Backup Authorized Officials” are strongly encouraged to register no later than this date.
October 15, 2012: CMS opens 60-day bid window for Round 1 Recompete.
October 19, 2012: Registration closes.
November 14, 2012*: Covered document review date for bidders to submit financial documents.
December 14, 2012*: Sixty-day bid window closes.
Spring 2013*: CMS announces single payment amounts, begins contracting process.
Fall 2013*: CMS announces contract suppliers, begins contract supplier education campaign.
Fall 2013*: CMS begins supplier, referral agent, and beneficiary education campaign.
January 1, 2014*: Implementation of Round 1 Recompete contracts and prices.
* Dates listed are target dates. Actual dates will be announced through listserv notice. Click here to sign up to receive DMEPOS Competitive Bidding Program updates.