Hanger Clinic, headquartered in Austin, Texas, has announced the following new hires:
Eric Bejarano, CPO, has joined Hanger Clinic’s Naples, Florida, patient care facility. He received his orthotics certificate from the Northwestern University Prosthetics-Orthotics Center (NUPOC), Chicago, Illinois, and his prosthetics certificate from the Newington Certificate Program, Connecticut.
David Blaisdell, CPO, has joined Hanger Clinic’s Richland, Washington, patient care facility. He received his O&P certificates from Century College, White Bear Lake, Minnesota.
Jonathan Bowman, CPO, has joined Hanger Clinic’s Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, patient care facility. He earned his bachelor’s degree from West Virginia University, Morgantown, and his O&P certificates from the New York University Post-Graduate Medical School, New York.
Carl Brenner, CPO, FAAOP, has joined Hanger Clinic’s Waterford, Michigan, patient care facility. He received his prosthetic education from NUPOC.
Joseph Brenner, CP, FAAOP, has joined Hanger Clinic’s Waterford patient care facility. He received his bachelor’s degree from Madonna University, Livonia, Michigan, and his prosthetics certificate from NUPOC.
Robert Brown Jr., CPO, FAAOP, has joined Hanger Clinic’s Panama City, Florida, patient care facility as clinic manager. He received his bachelor of science degree from the University of Texas, Austin, and his master’s degree in science from the University of Connecticut, Storrs.
William Cox, CPO, has joined Hanger Clinic’s Salinas, California, patient care facility as clinic manager. He received his bachelor’s degree in kinesiology from San Diego State University, California, his prosthetics certificate from the Newington Certificate Program, and his orthotic certificate from NUPOC.
Paul Dixon, CP, has joined Hanger Clinic’s Sugar Land, Texas, patient care facility. He received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Toledo, Ohio, and his O&P certificates from NUPOC.
Hilary Engelhardt, CPO, has joined Hanger Clinic’s Seattle, Washington, patient care facility as an area clinic manager. She earned a bachelor’s degree in O&P from the University of Washington, Seattle, and in biology from Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas.
Collins Freitas, CPed, has joined Hanger Clinic’s Olympia, Washington, patient care facility. He received his associate degree in applied science in O&P from Spokane Falls Community College, Washington, and his pedorthic training at the Robert Palmer Institute of Biomechanics, Elwood, Indiana.
Paul Guimond, CO, has joined Hanger Clinic’s Nashua, New Hampshire, patient care facility. He received his O&P education from New York University School of Medicine, New York, and at NUPOC.
Bryant Gulde, CPO, has joined Hanger Clinic’s Sheridan, Wyoming, patient care facility. He received his O&P certificates from NUPOC.
Edgar Hernandez, CP, has joined Hanger Clinic’s Stockton, California, patient care facility. He received his bachelor of science degree in health science, specializing in O&P, at California State University, Dominguez Hills.
Duane Hoeppner, BOCO, BOCPD, has joined Hanger Clinic’s Jackson, Michigan, patient care clinic. He received his pedorthic education from Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology, Okmulgee.
Michele Jacobs, CO, has joined Hanger Clinic’s Antioch, California, patient care facility. She received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and her orthotics certificate from NUPOC.
Karen Kilmer, BOCO, CPed, CMF, has joined Hanger Clinic’s Richmond, Virginia, patient care facility. She earned her bachelor’s degree from Longwood College, Farmville, Virginia.
Linda Kline, CPed, LPed, has joined Hanger Clinic’s Mansfield, Ohio, patient care facility.
John Laslo, CP, has joined Hanger Clinic’s Williamsport, Pennsylvania, patient care facility. He received a specialized technology degree in O&P from the Median School of Allied Health, Pittsburgh.
Anthony Leier, BOCPO, CO, has joined Hanger Clinic’s St. Louis, Missouri, patient care facility.
Michael Link, CP, CTP, has joined Hanger Clinic’s Reno, Nevada, patient care facility as clinic manager. He received his prosthetic education from the University of Toledo, Ohio, and Owens Technical Institute, Toledo.
Melissa Malkush, CPO, has joined Hanger Clinic’s San Diego, California, patient care facility. She received her master’s degree in O&P from the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta.
Andrew Mathias, CPO, has joined Hanger Clinic’s Henderson, Nevada, patient care facility. He earned his O&P certificates from NUPOC.
Derek McClure, BOCPO, has joined Hanger Clinic’s American Canyon, California, patient care facility. He received his bachelor’s degree from Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff.
Philip Meyers, CO, has joined Hanger Clinic’s Lancaster, Pennsylvania, patient care facility. He attended Armstrong State University, Savannah, Georgia, and the United State Air Force Orthotic Specialist Program.
Barry Minor, CP, has joined Hanger Clinic’s Mayfield, Heights, Ohio, patient care facility. He received his bachelor’s degree from West Virginia University, Morgantown, and his prosthetic certificate from the University of California, Los Angeles.
Brian Moore, CPO, has joined Hanger Clinic’s Covington, Louisiana, patient care facility. He earned his orthotic certificate from the Newington Certificate Program.
Maureen O’Toole, CPed, CTP, has joined Hanger Clinic’s Pittsburgh patient care facility. She received her bachelor’s degree in sports medicine from California University of Pennsylvania and her pedorthic education from Eneslow Pedorthic Institute, New York.
Danica Reding, CO, has joined Hanger Clinic’s Riverside, California, patient care facility. She received her O&P certificates from NUPOC.
Evelyn Rizzo, CPO, has joined Hanger Clinic’s Westlake, Ohio, patient care facility. She received her bachelor’s degree from Kent State University, Ohio, and her master’s degree in O&P from the University of Pittsburgh.
Douglass Wacker, CPO, has joined Hanger Clinic’s San Antonio, Texas, patient care facility. He attended Texas Tech University, Lubbock; the University of Houston, Texas; Texas State Technical College, Waco; and received his O&P certificates at NUPOC.
Kevin Warner, CP, has joined Hanger Clinic’s Lancaster patient care facility. He received his prosthetics certificate from Northeast Metro Technical College, White Bear Lake.
Alicia Young, CPO, has joined Hanger Clinic’s Columbus, Ohio, patient care facility. She received her bachelor’s degree from Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, and her O&P certificates from NUPOC.
Kevin Zang, BOCP, CO, CPed, has joined Hanger Clinic’s Portland, Oregon, patient care facility.