Ability Prosthetics and Orthotics, Charlotte, North Carolina, and Paceline, Monroe, North Carolina, hosted an OPAF First Swim Clinic on March 28 at Queens University of Charlotte. Three-time Paralympic swim champion, Jason Wening, CPO, and the Queens University swim team led the event. Twelve participants came from across the state of North Carolina and as far away as Maryland to participate. They included upper- and lower-limb O&P patients, and people with spinal cord injuries and visual impairments. Swimmers were given one-on-one and group help and instruction, both in the water and from the pool deck.
“This was a fantastic way to experience my first time back in the pool,” said participant Erika Brannock. “I loved it. I learned how to get in and out of the pool and feel more confident. I will tell my friends who are amputees….”