Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Re: MPK for osseointegration doccumetation needed

Laurent Frossard

Dear Dave,

Many thanks for your request for publications focusing on the provision of MPK for patients fitted with transfemoral bone-anchored prosthesis (BAP).

Below is a list of selected publications justifying the biomechanical benefits[1-5], reduction of risk of fall [6-8] and cost-effectiveness[9-11] of provision of MKP for transfemoral BAP.

Incidentally, all these publications and other ones focusing on various aspects of osseointegration for lower limb loss are available and free from: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__eprints.qut.edu.au_view_person_Frossard-2C-5FLaurent.html&d=DwIFAw&c=sJ6xIWYx-zLMB3EPkvcnVg&r=KmuawjwNpT9A2bnhzaNVjw8wO7L_TDosEXIk33h_tlw&m=LPbGiErhQumOAXSlQfb3LoHPVWb__q8hw-9kUQj42HQ&s=cO_ymy439pELNd6xql-LWSArrRPhtAV2TV-3c3pu-Gs&e= .

Please, do not hesitate contacting me ([email protected]) if you need further information.

All best for the treatment of your patient.

Kind regards.
Laurent Frossard (PhD)
Chief Scientist Officer at YourResearchProject | https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.YourResearchProject.com&d=DwIFAw&c=sJ6xIWYx-zLMB3EPkvcnVg&r=KmuawjwNpT9A2bnhzaNVjw8wO7L_TDosEXIk33h_tlw&m=LPbGiErhQumOAXSlQfb3LoHPVWb__q8hw-9kUQj42HQ&s=4K1eSNzOTHna3JW97ysfbIsXlLuS8rZmPo-CSRGr3i0&e=
Adjunct Professor at Griffith University
Adjunct Professor at Queensland University of Technology
Adjunct Professor at University of the Sunshine Coast
+61 (0)4 1379 5086 | [email protected] | @LaurentFrossard
Selected list of publications:
1. Lee, W.C., Frossard, L., Hagberg, K., Haggstrom, E., Gow, D.L., Gray, S., and Branemark, R., Magnitude and variability of loading on the osseointegrated implant of transfemoral amputees during walking. Med Eng Phys, 2008. 30(7). p. 825-33.
2. Frossard, L., Hagberg, K., Haggstrom, E., Lee Gow, D., Branemark, R., and Pearcy, M., Functional outcome of transfemoral amputees fitted with an osseointegrated fixation: Temporal gait characteristics. JPO: Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics, 2010. 22(1). p. 11-20.
3. Frossard, L., Haggstrom, E., Hagberg, K., and Branemark, P., Load applied on a bone-anchored transfemoral prosthesis: characterisation of prosthetic components – A case study Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development, 2013. 50(5). p. 619-634.
4. Frossard, L., Loading characteristics data applied on osseointegrated implant by transfemoral bone-anchored prostheses fitted with basic components during daily activities. Data in Brief, 2019. 26. p. 104492.
5. Lee, W., Frossard, L., Hagberg, K., Haggstrom, E., and Brånemark, R., Kinetics Analysis of Transfemoral Amputees fitted with Osseointegrated Fixation Performing Common Activities of Daily Living. Clinical Biomechanics, 2007. 22(6). p. 665-673.
6. Frossard, L., Tranberg, R., Haggstrom, E., Pearcy, M., and Branemark, R., Fall of a transfemoral amputee fitted with osseointegrated fixation: loading impact on residuum. Gait & posture, 2009. 30(Supplement 2). p. S151-S152.
7. Frossard, L., Load on osseointegrated fixation of a transfemoral amputee during a fall: Determination of the time and duration of descent. Prosthet Orthot Int, 2010. 34(4). p. 472-87.
8. Frossard, L., Tranberg, R., Haggstrom, E., Pearcy, M., and Branemark, R., Load on osseointegrated fixation of a transfemoral amputee during a fall: loading, descent, impact and recovery analysis. Prosthet Orthot Int, 2010. 34(1). p. 85-97.
9. Frossard L, Berg D, Merlo G, T, Q., and B, B., Cost-comparison of socket-suspended and bone-anchored transfemoral prostheses. JPO: Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics, 2017. 29(4). p. 1-11.
10. Frossard, L., Merlo, G., Burkett, B., Quincey, T., and Berg, D., Cost-effectiveness of bone-anchored prostheses using osseointegrated fixation: myth or reality? Prosthet Orthot Int, 2018. 42(3). p. 318-327.
11. Frossard L, Ferrada L, Quincey T, and D, B., Cost-effectiveness of transtibial bone-anchored prostheses using osseointegrated fixation: Case-series study. Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 2019. Under review

—–Original Message—–
From: Orthotics and Prosthetics List [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Dave Falk
Sent: October-08-19 12:38 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: [OANDP-L] MPK for osseointegration doccumetation needed

I have a patient who has had an osseointegration and is in need of a microprocessor knee. Is there any research or info available that supports the use of an MPK for osseointegration? I have heard lectures that state this is the protocol to remove stress on the implant/femur and reduce complications. I am trying to win the battle with the paying source. Any info that is published would be very helpful for our appeal.

Thank you,

David Falk, LPO, CPO

Falk Prosthetics & Orthotics, Inc

561 495-5040 office

561 495-0034 Fax

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