Join Our Textbook Club!
*Hosted by the Academy’s Gait Society*
*Whittle’s Gait Analysis, 5th Ed. (Levine)*
*What: *Read this awesome book about gait alongside fellow lifelong
– Follow along with our reading schedule (TBA)
– Join the discussion or just see what others have to say
*Who:* Open to all Gait Society members
– Not already in the Gait Society? It’s easy to join!
– Let me know if you need information on how to do so.
*When:* Starting Monday, April 3
*Where:* Discussions will be posted to the Gait Society Forum (via new
Academy site).
– Feel free to log into the site and follow the discussion
– Post your thoughts or just read along!
*How to Join!*
1. *Email me* at *[email protected]
would like to receive information on the reading schedule and how to follow
along/join the discussion on the Forum
2. *Become a Gait Society member* if you are not already…so you have
access to the online forum for the discussion
3. *Purchase* your copy of *Whittle’s Gait Analysis, 5th Ed. (Levine)*
(ISBN 10: 070204265X ISBN 13: 9780702042652)
– *Amazon:* 90279007&sr=1&keywords=ittle%27s+gait+analysis
– *AbeBooks:*
4. *Start reading* and posting with us!
Allie Cerutti, MPO, CO
Medical & Health Resources, Inc.
[email protected]