Dear list members,
Last week, I addressed a post from Tony Barr, a long standing and widely respected member of the listserve. Since that time I’ve received numerous emails, a couple posted here but most sent privately, and I must say that I’m astonished. While the majority of these emails have been supportive there have been a few that view manufacturers in general as some kind of evil, greedy and ugly segment of our industry. In fact, one message posted here was more of a personal attack by someone who doesn’t even know me. At any rate, I do understand that there are manufacturers out there who view O&P only as a way to make money. I know they’re out there and I even know who some of them are.
My only point in commenting to Mr. Barr at all was to point out that MOST of us manufacturers are the good guys. We know we can make more money by targeting OTs, PTs, nurses and doctors but we choose instead to support the orthotist/prosthetist. We’ve remained true to the industry (or, if you prefer, the “profession”) with what can only be viewed as a single minded devotion. I’m not trying to paint all manufacturers that way. Far from it. All I’m saying is that if we really wanted to make allot money, this isn’t the field in which to do it. Trust me, there’s a lot more money to be had more easily than what’s available in O&P. Why do we stay? We love it. We love the people, the patients and the industry.
One wise clinician thought it would be interesting to see a study of who does and who does not support the O&P practitioner. I’d love to have that list, as I’m sure you would too. It might shed some light on where your money should be spent………
In closing, I would like to ask that you try not to view all of us as the opposition. Most of us are only trying to help. Many of us were practitioners or technicians at one time too, just like you. Besides, can you imagine having to hammer out your own knee and ankle joints? 🙂 Get to know your favorite manufacturers and you’ll see what I mean.
Steve Hill, BOCO
OTS Corp.