Dear all,
I am currently looking at wrist alignment in upper-limb
prostheses. A rather old reference (Manual of Upper-Ext.
Prosthetics, UCLA, 1958) suggests certain angles for
ulnar deviation and flexion, but I have been unable to find
more recent publications.
It would be interesting to know your personal opinion on
this issue – at what angle should the wrist be set, and
why (functional and/or cosmetic reasons)? To the extent
that it matters, I am mostly concerned with transradial
amputations and cosmetic/electric hands.
Furthermore I’d be very thankful for references to more
recent literature on this subject, in particular any
publication that builds on actual studies rather than
“just” expert opinions.
The responses will be compiled and posted as always.
Thankfully yours,
Oyvind Stavdahl (M.Sc., Ph.D. student)
Department of Engineering Cybernetics
NTNU, The Norwegian University of
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