If They Don’t Make the Cut, Know When to Make the Call
Have you ever had an employee that seemed promising, but his or her performance didn’t wow you? Or maybe an...
Changing the Way We Talk About O&P
I had an administrative role in a hospital system early in my career that leveraged my first responder background and...
Grading, Assessment, and Motivation to Learn
When I became a prosthetics instructor after more than 20 years in clinical practice, I quickly encountered what I came...
Choosing the Right O&P Residency Takes Self-awareness, Persistence, and Patience
Earning a master’s degree is a critical step in the journey to becoming a certified orthotist or prosthetist. Once a...
Editor’s Note–March 2024
This month O&P professionals will gather at the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists (the Academy) Annual Meeting & Scientific...
Antispasticity Contracture Bracing
Many bracing specialists find it very challenging to provide contracture management orthoses to patients with significant limb spasticity. At the...
Ten Tips to Take an Effective 3D Scan for Spinal Bracing
We often say technology makes life easier, but making the transition to a new way of doing something can be...
Mental Health Key to Machinist’s Recovery
Ask almost anyone who has had a traumatic amputation to recall the date of their accident, and they’ll rattle off...
Medicare Expands Access to Microprocessor Prosthetic Knees
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Durable Medical Equipment Medicare Administrative Contractor (DME MAC) medical directors...