Most respondents to the latest poll on The O&P EDGE social media sites said they support wearing masks in response to COVID-19. Ninety-seven percent of those who responded said they always wear a mask, the other three percent said they plan to wear a mask only when required, such as in federal buildings.
Another poll focused on custom in-house fabrication of O&P devices, asking if the volume had changed since the pandemic began. Seventeen percent said they were doing more in-house fabrication, while 33 percent reported their clinics were doing less. The other half reported no change in volume.
One late comer questioned the short duration of our polls. “Only three days?” he wrote. Though the poll had closed, we encouraged him to respond. What do you think of the timeframe?
Speaking of responses, our latest poll—focusing on osseointegration (OI)—is up and in full swing.
Our question: As OI continues to make inroads in the US, what’s your view?
Tell us what you think. We love to hear from you.
Vote now on LinkedIn.