Sister Kenny: Confronting the Conventional in Polio Treatment
It is hard to imagine now, in the post-vaccine era, the panic that gripped the United States as waves of ...
It is hard to imagine now, in the post-vaccine era, the panic that gripped the United States as waves of ...
Working with athletic or fitness trainers-or attaining these credentials yourself- as a part of your approach to comprehensive patient care ...
The groundbreaking targeted muscle reinnervation (TMR) surgical technique developed by Todd Kuiken, MD, PhD, at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago ...
Diabetes is a disease that can be controlled-or greatly exacerbated-by a patient's overall lifestyle. It's a disease that calls strongly ...
In today's fragmented healthcare environment, a case manager can play a pivotal role-one that affects you, the orthotist/prosthetist. But what ...
The Orthotics and Prosthetics Foundation for Education and Research is accepting applications for its new microgrant program. The deadline to...
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