Orthotic and prosthetic professionals and physical
therapists alike are quick to acknowledge the others clinical
importance in the patient care value chain. It is in the politics
and the legislation that defines each discipline where things can
get a little sticky.
Joe Pongratz, CPO, FAAOP, and Anissa Pongratz, PT, of Arizona,
have taken the O&P, PT symbiosis to a whole new level by
opening a private PT business within an O&P facility. The
husband-and-wife team are the only providers in the state providing
complementary services in the same facility–prosthetics,
orthotics, and physical therapy. The innovative concept has
received a warm response from the surrounding patient and medical
community. In addition, Joe noted that he and his wife do engage in
conversation about the current direct access debate–and he “is not
sleeping on the couch.”
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