The Orthotic and Prosthetic Assistance Fund (OPAF) has named Alex Trumper, CO, the 2009 Dale Yasukawa Memorial Scholarship winner. The resident of Forest Park, Illinois, was selected from a panel of applicants who are currently enrolled in the Northwestern University Orthotics & Prosthetics Program, Chicago, Illinois. Trumper will receive a check for $500 to be used toward attending the meeting of his local chapter of the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists (the Academy) and/or a national meeting. The funds may also be used to help offset educational costs.
“It is a great honor to receive the OPAF Dale Yasukawa Memorial Fund Scholarship,” said Trumper. “I was fortunate to help out as an instructor with an OPAF First Swim™ Clinic in Chicago, which teaches adaptive swim techniques for those with physical challenges to give them more confidence in and around water,” said Trumper.
According to OPAF, Trumper is a member of the staff of Scheck & Siress Orthotics & Prosthetics, Chicago, Illinois, and is currently working toward his prosthetic certification. He has also volunteered with the non-profit Range of Motion Project (ROMP), whose goal is to provide prosthetic and orthotic care to those without access to these services. In December 2008, the American Academy of Orthotists & Prosthetists (AAOP) selected Trumper’s resident-research study, “Effect of Foot Plate Length and Rocker Bottom Shoe on Heart Rate in Normal Subjects Using a Solid Ankle Foot Orthosis” as the Best of Resident Research Series.
“We are pleased to award this ongoing scholarship to Alex and know that he will work to continue the goals that Dale Yasukawa set forth for giving back to your community and a commitment to the O&P field,” said OPAF Executive Director Robin Burton. “The OPAF Board of Directors believes in these goals and take them as part of our mission.”