Wounded Warriors and other Golf Classic participants celebrate their day on the links. Photograph courtesy of DS/USA.
More than 50 former and current members of Congress joined eight Wounded Warriors at the Second Annual Congressional Charity Golf Classic to benefit the Wounded Warrior Disabled Sports Project, a partnership between the Wounded Warrior Project and Disabled Sports USA (DS/USA). The June 15 event took place at the Army Navy Country Club in Arlington, Virginia.
Participating in the scramble format were three former patients at Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC) and five Wounded Warriors currently in rehab at WRAMC. They were joined by more than 50 former and current members of Congress.
Players from the top four teams were: Martin Russo, former Congressman (D-IL); Rep. Don Young (R-AL); Bill Hansen of the Robert Trent Jones Charitable Golf Foundation; Staff Sgt. Charles Eggleston, Wounded Warrior; Rep. Chris Carney (D-PA); Rep. Steve Buyer (R-IN); Monte Mahan, guest, Tee It Up for the Troops; Sgt. Rafael DelGado, Wounded Warrior; Rep. Mike McIntyre (D-NC); former Congressman Bill Zeliff (R-NH); Bret Efird, golf professional; Dean Mitchell; Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC); Zach Wamp, (R-TN); Bill Gates of Ping; and retired Sgt. Michael Stafford, Wounded Warrior.
Other Wounded Warriors participating were: retired Petty Officer 2nd Class Derrick Wallace; Sgt. John E. Mastrangelo; Staff Sgt. Ramon Padilla Mungia; retired 1st Lt. Denis Oliverio; and retired Sgt. 1st Class Sonia Williams.
Like last year, the tournament designated proceeds to benefit the Wounded Warrior Disabled Sports Project (WWDSP), which provides sports rehabilitation programs for service men and women who have suffered amputations, head and spinal injury, and/or visual impairment as a result of injuries incurred in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Professional Golfers Association (PGA) joined DS/ USA to provide ongoing instruction to the severely wounded with professional instructors trained specifically in adaptations to golf.
“The Wounded Warrior Disabled Sports Project includes active sports that show our injured they can lead full and active lives despite their severe wounds,” said Kirk Bauer, executive director of DS/USA and a disabled Vietnam Veteran. “All activities are free of cost to the Wounded Warrior and his or her family. The program is fully funded by private sector donations, so tournaments like these are critical to our success at providing services to our deserving service members.”
The event was co-chaired by Rep. Chet Edwards (D-TX), Rep. Zach Wamp (R-TN), former Congressmen Dennis Hertel (D-MI), and Ken Kramer (R-CO).