The American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association (AOPA) has issued a call for papers for its 97th annual National Assembly to be held September 4-7, 2014, at the Mandalay Bay Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada. The call for papers requests that all interested presenters submit an abstract of their proposed scientific paper, or a description of their proposed business or technical paper. Submissions are also being accepted for those interested in organizing a scientific symposium at the assembly. All submissions must be completed online by March 10.
Presentation of papers will be delivered by lecture or poster; however, requests to have papers considered only for a poster can be made within the submission. A limited number of papers will be accepted for podium presentation. A review committee will grade each submission based on relevance, level of interest in the topic, quality of scientific content, and quality of clinical content.
Symposia should present thematically related research addressing significant problems or controversies in orthotics, prosthetics, or pedorthics. The symposia should bring together one or more of the world’s leading researchers to present current developments and planned research directions. Where appropriate, symposia should present differing points of view on a particular topic.
Notices of acceptance or rejection will be sent by April 10; electronic versions of handouts are due by August 1.
For more information and submission instructions, visit, highlight the Education link at the top of the page, and scroll down to 2014 Assembly.