The Amputee Coalition announced that April is Limb Loss Awareness Month-the coalition’s initiative to increase awareness about those living with limb loss and limb loss prevention. Throughout the month, amputee support groups across the country are holding events to “show their mettle” and raise limb loss awareness by planning and holding walk/run/roll events in their communities to benefit the Amputee Coalition’s mission to empower people affected by limb loss to achieve their full potential. The Amputee Coalition has invited any amputee who is comfortable with showing his or her prosthesis in public to post a photograph on its Facebook page on April 25.
“We hope that all amputees will proudly wear their prosthetic devices on this day,” said Dan Berschinski, Amputee Coalition board chair. “The concept is simple-to show your ‘mettle,’ the ability to cope well with difficulties or to face a demanding situation in a spirited and resilient ways by those with limb loss showing their ‘metal’ prosthetic device or wheelchair.”
The Coalition initiated Limb Loss Awareness Month in 2011, when it requested proclamations asking for federal and state recognition of Limb Loss Awareness Month to be held annually in April. In 2012, President Barack Obama sent a letter to acknowledge his support of this initiative. Forty-two states have established April as Limb Loss Awareness Month.
For more information, visit the Limb Loss Awareness Month page on the Amputee Coalition’s website.