The Amputee Coalition is accepting applications for the Kathy Spozio Bridge to Ability Scholarship to give new amputees the opportunity to attend the coalition’s 2016 National Conference, June 9-11, in Greensboro, North Carolina. Applications must be postmarked by April 8.
The Bridge to Ability Scholarship Fund provides full conference registration, covering health and wellness education, technology sessions, special clinics, and social networking, as well as lodging expenses and up to $600 in reimbursement for travel expenses.
Applicants must fulfill the following criteria:
- Must be a registered friend of the Amputee Coalition
- Amputation of one or more limbs within two years of the application deadline (must provide date and level of amputation)
- Unable to attend the national conference due to financial constraints (must provide proof of income and income statement)
- Have never previously attended an Amputee Coalition National Conference
- You are not eligible to attend the conference as a patient model paid by a device company
For more information and scholarship application material, visit the Amputee Coalition website.