Photograph of a First Things First participant courtesy of Robin Burton.
OPAF recently introduced the newest member of the First Family of clinics with First Stride™ and First Things First™. The inaugural clinic was sponsored by the Center for Orthotic & Prosthetic Care, Louisville, Kentucky, on April 9. The daylong training and clinic was held at the Norton Neurosciences and Spine Rehabilitation Center, Louisville. Instruction was led by Chris Doerger, PT, CP.
Over 25 local physical, occupational, and rehabilitation therapists and O&P professionals attended the morning session, First Stride, during which Doerger discussed the basics of gait, explained K-level designations, and gave an overview of prosthetic feet and knees and their capabilities. There was also a discussion on how to prepare patients for falls as well as fall prevention.
During the afternoon session, First Things First, more than 30 people with lower-limb loss were introduced to exercises to help them with prosthetic gait and to build core strength. Therapists worked one-on-one with patients to assist them with the exercises. Participants received education in gait, walking, and running, and Doerger also gave demonstrations of falls and recovery.