The American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association (AOPA) has issued a call for papers for its 2nd O&P World Congress, to be held September 6-9, 2017, in Las Vegas. The selection committee is seeking clinical free papers for the orthotic, prosthetic, or pedorthic tracks; technical education papers for the technical track; submissions from those interested in organizing a symposium or instructional course; and papers for the business education program.
The business program deadline for submission is February 1, 2017. All other papers are due March 1, 2017. All abstracts must be submitted electronically.
Topics of interest for the clinical free papers include, but are not limited to, additive manufacturing; microprocessor components; biosensors; powered joints (O&P applications); socket designs and socket issues; public health topics related to O&P; osseointegration; new and interesting O&P designs and clinical techniques; pediatric O&P; scoliosis; and evidence-based practice. Topics of interest for the technician program include, but are not limited to, CAD and/or CAM applications; the role of the technician in the CAD/CAM environment; the role of the technician in the additive manufacturing environment; new and cutting-edge fabrication techniques and processes; and working with pre-preg materials.
The review committee will grade each submission via a blind review process, based on the relevance, level of interest in the topic, the quality of scientific content, and the quality of clinical content to reach a decision regarding acceptance. The top business education program papers will be considered for the Sam E. Hamontree, CP (E) Business Education Award. The top scoring clinical free papers will compete for the Thranhardt Award.
For more information, contact AOPA at 571.431.0876 or [email protected], or visit the AOPA website, highlight the Education link at the top of the page, and scroll down to 2017 World Congress.