Saturday, June 15, 2024

Hip disarticulation team project in Iran

Paul Prusakowski

Dear List,

Please read the following email regarding the gathering of 140 patients with
Hip Disarticulations in Iran. If you have information to share or are
willing to assist Mostafa Allami please reply directly to the following
email address: [email protected]

Thank you,

Paul E. Prusakowski, CPO, FAAOP

Moderator, oandp-l


From: Mostafa Allami [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2009 7:02 AM

Dear Prosthetists

Hello.This is Mostafa Allami.I’m orthosist & prosthetist and in addition to
clinical works,I do research in Iran.Also I’m chairman of ISPO in Iran.
In near future about one month later,we have plan to gather 140 hip
disarticulation amputees to assess their needs by a team approach.For doing
this,we need to communicate with some professional counselors in different
fields of their rehabilitation.

we need cooperation with you to introduce some experts in different fields
of these amputees’ rehabilitation for us.
please reply as soon as possible.

Mostafa Allami


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