Dear All,
My last posted note may have been less than adequate given my burgeoning flu
symptoms. My apologies.
Has anyone tried finding to buy or given to programming their application for
their own practice? The eventual goal would be to Network several offices in
different cities? I started learning ACCESS because it was part of
Micrsoft’s office suite and thought it would inherently run into less
problems as time passed and upgrades came along. Presently having success
with running it on a solo laptop and on my associates laptop(non-networked).
I am still developing it and adding new capacities to make it complete as
possible. Are there any pitfalls out there I should be aware of? Is there
a nice commercially available system with the flexibilty that comes with self-
programming,i.e. queries and reports?
When I started about 1.5 years(is this guy bored?), had no idea it would be so
consuming of my time.
A big reason I even started this whole adventure was that the computer people
we have in this neck of the woods seemed to be completely incompetent and
could not even return a phone call. I could not see putting ourselves into a
technology headlock with computer nerds who had no idea of customer serivce.