Hello Everyone,
I want to thank each and every one of you for the informative and
supportive responses. I need to make a point of clarity. The young man who
suffered the traumatic hemipelvectomy was not my son.
My wife is an RN in the Neuro Critical Care unit where he was
hospitalized. My wife and his mother clicked from day one, we have become
friends with the boys parents. They have been staying here in Indianapolis
in a hotel since there son was injured 3 months ago, there home is three
hours northwest of here near Chicago. I found your list and suggested she
make the post.
They have been thrilled with your responses, GOOD NEWS, he was
released today and is going home. I gave her all the info and they will be
joining your list as soon as they get home and get settled. I will be
unsubscribing but have really enjoyed reading all your post. I would stay on
but I receive way too much e-mail already. I am a C4-5 quadriplegic and
belong to three list pertaining to that, plus I am very active with the
disability community here in Indy.
Thank you all very very much, Steve Hegg, Indianapolis