Hello all,
We are planning a study to compare the use of “conventional” sockets with
PeLite liners and elastomeric (neoprene or other) sleeve suspension
against sockets using silicone-type liners with distal locking pins. In
establishing the methodology for this project we are seeking input from
practicing prosthetists. We would greatly appreciate your responses to
ANY or ALL of the following questions:
What kind of socket suspension do you commonly choose and why when
(a) elderly patients with vascular problems
(b) young active patients without vascular involvement
(c) patients with chronic residual limb pain
PINS: (e.g. Alpha, Aegis, Iceross, USMC, Otto Bock, Alps, Fillauer, etc.)
(1) Which type of liner do you prefer for which patient population and
(2) Do you observe volume reduction of the residual limb and, if so, is
this permanent?
(3) What do you observe in terms of sweating with the residual limb and
what is the time course of changes?
(4) Do you observe other physical changes/reactions?
(5) What do you notice in terms of patients’ satisfaction with
silicone-type suspension liners? Does it change with time/season/changes
in activity?
(6) How often do patients reject this type of liner, and if they do, why?
(7) When patients reject this type of liner, are you able to return them
to their original socket without incident?
(8) What questions do you have about the use of this type of suspension
versus other types?
Sincere thanks for your time and thought.
Kim Coleman
Research Engineer
Prosthetics Research Study
720 Broadway
Seattle, WA 98122
Phone: (206) 328-3116
FAX: (206) 325-3607
e-mail: [email protected]
Web Page: http://weber.u.washington.edu/~prs/