Operation Namaste has developed a comprehensive toolkit clinicians can use to fabricate silicone prosthetic liners for people in low-resource regions, dubbed Namaste Limb Solutions.
The kit includes a set of 3D-printed molds, CAD files for printing replacement molds, silicone, training and educational materials, and the tools and supplies needed for clinicians to manufacture the liners quickly, inexpensively, and in their own facilities. Operation Namaste supplies its medical-grade, shelf-stable silicone, a proprietary blend developed to produce durable liners.
Using a mentor-based approach, Namaste Limb Solutions includes online or in-person training and certification for correct use of the molds and liners as well as information regarding developing techniques in contemporary prosthetic care. Educational materials and guidelines for patient follow-up are also included in the kit.
The nonprofit Operation Namaste was founded to bring low-cost technology solutions and innovative collaboration and training to hospitals and prosthetic clinics serving amputees who are financially unable to obtain quality prosthetic care.