Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA) is recruiting participants for TITAN, the world’s largest clinical trial to date into potential treatments for phantom limb pain. The trial will investigate the effectiveness of treatments that could provide meaningful pain relief without drugs. NeuRA is an independent, not-for-profit research institute aiming to prevent, treat, and cure brain and nervous system diseases, disorders, and injuries through medical research.
“There are currently no proven treatments that provide meaningful pain relief for people with phantom limb pain,” said James McAuley, PhD, NeuRA senior research scientist and director of the center for pain impact. “This is a randomized clinical trial funded by the [Australian] Commonwealth Government with the aim of reducing pain and improving function. Both treatments we are investigating are drug-free and aim to change how the brain processes pain signals coming from the body. The first is a progressive rehabilitation program using techniques such as mirror therapy, while the second uses low frequency non-invasive neuromodulation.”
Researchers from NeuRA’s Centre for Pain Impact will run the randomized clinical trial. The large-scale, Australia-wide initiative that will be conducted online by physiotherapists, ensuring it is widely accessible.