In today’s healthcare climate, cost matters. As healthcare expenses continue to rise, third-party payers increasingly scrutinize the cost-to-value ratio of covered services. As O&P clinicians, we see and understand the functional value of the services we provide, including improvements in the areas of gait, balance, and the ability to accomplish activities of daily living. However, there is an additional economic value to these same services. In our era of preventive medicine, insurance companies understand that
some healthcare services can be seen as investments, ultimately decreasing an individual’s healthcare costs over an extended period of time. A report, written by Dobson DaVanzo & Associates, Vienna, Virginia, commissioned by the Amputee Coalition with funding from the American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association (AOPA), provides a retrospective analysis of Medicare claims data to determine if subjects who received certain O&P services ultimately experienced reduced healthcare utilization compared
to closely matched, untreated subjects.
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