The momentum behind the national parity campaign is growing. Indiana and Vermont have become the ninth and tenth states respectively to take a stand and pass prosthetic coverage legislation. Vermont: Sponsored by Senators Doug Racine and Ginny Lyons, Senate Bill 280 was introduced on January 1 and referred to the Senate Health and Welfare committee. The bill was heard twice, the second hearing taking place on Valentines Day. The committee passed it a week later. The Vermont Senate passed the bill unanimously, and the House went on to pass the bill on April 1. Indiana: Indiana prosthetists Allen Dolberry, CPO, and Kevin Hagemeier, CPO, CPed, approached the Amputee Coalition of America (ACA) last year to help them build an Indiana parity campaign. With the help of local activist, Marifran Mattson, they formed the Indiana Amputee Insurance Protection Coalition. The ACA worked with them to hold a series of coalition and organizing meetings in July to help kick start the coalitions efforts. In January, Senate Bill 269 was introduced by Senator Gary Dillon. House Bill 1140 was introduced by Representative Mike Murphy. The bill flew through committees and through both chambers. Because two different versions passed, it had to go through a conference committee to decide which version would move forward. The ACA worked to ensure that the bill remained strong. After several weeks of discussion and meetings, the conference committee sent the bill out. It passed on March 14 and was signed by Governor Mitch Daniels one week later. Federal Bill: On March 13, the U.S. Congress introduced the Prosthetic Parity Act of 2008 (HR 5615). House Resolution 5615 requires health insurance companies to cover prosthetic care on par with other essential medical care. In order to pass the federal bill, we need to show strong support. The ACA is organizing events throughout the summer which we hope will keep the pressure on lawmakers to pass this important legislation into law. Morgan Sheets is the national advocacy director for ACAs Action Plan for People with Limb Loss (APPLL) initiative. She can be reached at For more information, visit
The momentum behind the national parity campaign is growing. Indiana and Vermont have become the ninth and tenth states respectively to take a stand and pass prosthetic coverage legislation. Vermont: Sponsored by Senators Doug Racine and Ginny Lyons, Senate Bill 280 was introduced on January 1 and referred to the Senate Health and Welfare committee. The bill was heard twice, the second hearing taking place on Valentines Day. The committee passed it a week later. The Vermont Senate passed the bill unanimously, and the House went on to pass the bill on April 1. Indiana: Indiana prosthetists Allen Dolberry, CPO, and Kevin Hagemeier, CPO, CPed, approached the Amputee Coalition of America (ACA) last year to help them build an Indiana parity campaign. With the help of local activist, Marifran Mattson, they formed the Indiana Amputee Insurance Protection Coalition. The ACA worked with them to hold a series of coalition and organizing meetings in July to help kick start the coalitions efforts. In January, Senate Bill 269 was introduced by Senator Gary Dillon. House Bill 1140 was introduced by Representative Mike Murphy. The bill flew through committees and through both chambers. Because two different versions passed, it had to go through a conference committee to decide which version would move forward. The ACA worked to ensure that the bill remained strong. After several weeks of discussion and meetings, the conference committee sent the bill out. It passed on March 14 and was signed by Governor Mitch Daniels one week later. Federal Bill: On March 13, the U.S. Congress introduced the Prosthetic Parity Act of 2008 (HR 5615). House Resolution 5615 requires health insurance companies to cover prosthetic care on par with other essential medical care. In order to pass the federal bill, we need to show strong support. The ACA is organizing events throughout the summer which we hope will keep the pressure on lawmakers to pass this important legislation into law. Morgan Sheets is the national advocacy director for ACAs Action Plan for People with Limb Loss (APPLL) initiative. She can be reached at For more information, visit