As I sit down to write this editorial, the field is enveloped in
yet another controversy. It will be interesting to see how this
ABC/BOC battle plays out. In the 25 years that I have been in the
profession, there seems to have been one controversy after another.
This ABC/BOC conflict goes back at least 20 years. There was also
the consolidation of the national office, the combining of the two
meetings, state licensure, etc., etc., etc. As I examine each of
these events, I can say that the primary position held by each side
in each controversy had some merit. It is remarkable to me, that in
those 25 years, the field has never put aside personal agendas and
come together to move forward for the advancement of the field. The
relative cost in terms of money and time wasted on these
controversies is staggering. Where would we be today if these
resources had been directed more effectively?
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