Many state legislatures are wrapping up for the year, but several state bills are still on the move. Activists have been fighting hard to push Pennsylvania's House Bill 317. We are shooting for a floor vote in the House before it adjourns for the summer recess. The Oregon campaign committee negotiated with insurance industry representatives in order to keep House Bill 2517 alive. The bill passed the House in late April with a unanimous vote. The Oregon campaign committee continues to push to get it through the Senate, onto the floor, and to the governor's desk before the session adjourns in early July. Several other states continue to advance legislation, and two state legislatures are looking to the second half of their session to introduce prosthetic parity bills. Rep. Lisa Wojno (D-Warren/Center Line) has committed to advancing parity in the Michigan legislature, and the Illinois Society of Orthotists & Prosthetists is working with the ACA to introduce a parity bill in the fall. The ACA's National Advocacy Team is also making plans for a diverse range of activities at the ACA's Annual Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, June 15-17. The day before the conference, we are providing intensive training for activists who would like to hone their skills in working with the media. We are holding an organizing meeting to help local activists lay the groundwork for a Georgia parity bill in 2008. We will be conducting a workshop on Saturday afternoon, June 16, to update people on the progress of the campaign, share new resources and strategies, and help people become more effective activists when they return to their home states. We are also offering individual consultations to any activists who would like to schedule time to speak with a member of the advocacy team about building or enhancing a campaign in their state. This year's awards ceremony will include commendation for the Advocate of the Year, in recognition of an individual who has gone above and beyond in helping to advance parity legislation. We welcome the opportunity to build our efforts not only through the national conference, but also through our summer outreach activities and a series of organizing meetings in new states including Maryland and Washington. Morgan Sheets is the national advocacy director for ACA's Action Plan for People with Limb Loss (APPLL) initiative. She can be reached at For more information, visit
Many state legislatures are wrapping up for the year, but several state bills are still on the move. Activists have been fighting hard to push Pennsylvania's House Bill 317. We are shooting for a floor vote in the House before it adjourns for the summer recess. The Oregon campaign committee negotiated with insurance industry representatives in order to keep House Bill 2517 alive. The bill passed the House in late April with a unanimous vote. The Oregon campaign committee continues to push to get it through the Senate, onto the floor, and to the governor's desk before the session adjourns in early July. Several other states continue to advance legislation, and two state legislatures are looking to the second half of their session to introduce prosthetic parity bills. Rep. Lisa Wojno (D-Warren/Center Line) has committed to advancing parity in the Michigan legislature, and the Illinois Society of Orthotists & Prosthetists is working with the ACA to introduce a parity bill in the fall. The ACA's National Advocacy Team is also making plans for a diverse range of activities at the ACA's Annual Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, June 15-17. The day before the conference, we are providing intensive training for activists who would like to hone their skills in working with the media. We are holding an organizing meeting to help local activists lay the groundwork for a Georgia parity bill in 2008. We will be conducting a workshop on Saturday afternoon, June 16, to update people on the progress of the campaign, share new resources and strategies, and help people become more effective activists when they return to their home states. We are also offering individual consultations to any activists who would like to schedule time to speak with a member of the advocacy team about building or enhancing a campaign in their state. This year's awards ceremony will include commendation for the Advocate of the Year, in recognition of an individual who has gone above and beyond in helping to advance parity legislation. We welcome the opportunity to build our efforts not only through the national conference, but also through our summer outreach activities and a series of organizing meetings in new states including Maryland and Washington. Morgan Sheets is the national advocacy director for ACA's Action Plan for People with Limb Loss (APPLL) initiative. She can be reached at For more information, visit