Endolite is setting the standard for rehabilitation with our revolutionary line of hydraulic ankle/feet systems. Our hydraulic ankles help to decrease energy expenditure, encourages equal loading and reduces pain, socket pressure, and injury to the distal residuum.
In a recent study published in “Gait and Posture,” Endolite’s hydraulic ankle, the echelon, was studied and compared against energy storing fixed ankle systems. Ankle systems were fitted on various amputee participants and put to the test on a state of the art gait analysis system in Israel that displays inversion, eversion, inclines, declines and splits. The study showed that the use of the echelon system decreases loading pressures to the distal end by three times compared to energy storing feet. This significant decrease in loading pressures was attributed directly to the use of the hydraulic ankle. With this decrease in pressure, the hydraulic ankle systems are shown to protect the distal end from high stresses, help prevent pressure related injuries and pain, and improve patient walking performance.
Along with decreased loading pressures, the hydraulic ankles were also shown to enable and encourage equal loading. This equal loading was accredited to the fact that the amputee’s socket is more comfortable due to the reaction of the hydraulic ankle to ground forces. The amputee has a greater awareness of the interaction with the ground to the extent that they can sense their body position over the foot regardless of terrain, creating compliance with the ground and increased knee stability.
Lastly, the study confirms that the decrease in loading pressures and the ease and quality of equal loading results in a considerable decrease in socket pressure for the amputee. The biggest part of getting an amputee back to everyday living during the rehabilitation process is to get them walking more frequently and wearing their prostheses for longer periods of time. Without the strain of socket pressure affecting their ability to walk normally and for extended periods of time, the hydraulic ankle was shown to increase amputee confidence and their desire to walk more and wear their prostheses longer. This increase in activity may improve overall health and wellbeing leading to a reduction in healthcare costs.
Endolite strives to be on the cutting edge of technology in the O&P industry and is proud that the echelon has been both ground breaking as a technology, as well as offering unprecedented clinical benefits for amputees. The avalon, echelon, echelonVT and élan are all shining examples of how hydraulic ankles are becoming the standard for rehabilitation and have had genuinely positive impacts on the patients that use them.
If you are unfamiliar with hydraulic ankle systems, Endolite would love the opportunity to show you just how impactful they can be on your patients and your practice. For more information, please contact your territory manager to set up a time to show you the new standard of technology across rehabilitation.