<img class="" style="float: right;" src="https://opedge.com/Content/OldArticles/images/2005-02_14/Fairley-Miki.jpg" width="230" height="217" hspace="4" vspace="4" /> Amputees as well as the O&P profession lost a dedicated friend when Nancy Carroll, editor of the ACA's <i>inMotion</i> and <i>First Step</i>, died recently. Nancy was truly an inspired and inspiring editor and writer and a warm and compassionate person who will be deeply missed by all of us who had the privilege of knowing her. <h4><i>The EDGE</i> Welcomes New Staff Member</h4> Western Media welcomes another new member to our team. Rachel Monserrate joins <i>The O&P EDGE</i> as our new advertising sales/production assistant. Rachel is a graduate of the Colorado State University (CSU) Technical Journalism program and also holds a minor in Spanish. She has worked in the journalism field since graduating from high school. She was a reporter/editor for the <i>Julesburg Advocate,</i> Julesburg, Colorado, where she earned three Colorado Press Association nominations. Throughout college, Rachel produced her own newsletter, <i>Keeping in Touch</i>, for CSU's international housing community. For the past two years, she also has been a freelance producer on the Emmy Award-winning television show <i>Colorado State of Mind,</i> which airs on Rocky Mountain PBS. <table class="clsTableCaption" style="float: right; width: 22.923%;"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width: 100%;"><img src="https://opedge.com/Content/OldArticles/images/2005-02_14/Monserrate-rachel.jpg" alt="Rachel Monserrate" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 100%;">Rachel Monserrate</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> In her spare time, Rachel enjoys reading and writing. She follows basketball and is a diehard Denver Nuggets fan. Rachel is very excited to be a part of the Western Media team and looks forward to learning more about the O&P industry and building relationships with our colleagues. <h4>Inspiration and Information</h4> Imagine living to 107 years and still going strong and enjoying mobility - despite having an amputation at 102! Read about a remarkable man, Jonas Dennis, in <a href="edge/issues/articles/2005-02_11.asp">Today's Consumer</a>. Competition and encroachment on O&P practice is coming from directions that may be unexpected by many in the profession. The <a href="edge/issues/articles/2005-02_04.asp">Leading EDGE article</a> by healthcare attorney John Latsko may be a wake-up call. O&P practitioners and business owners work too hard to let reimbursement dollars just leak away. Yet this is what could be happening to you! The feature article, "<a href="edge/issues/articles/2005-02_01.asp">Maximizing Collections for Cash Flow</a>," includes helpful information on managing accounts receivable and collections to maximize your reimbursements. For over a decade Children of the Americas (COTA) has been sending medical teams to Guatemala, where about 75 percent of the people live in poverty. Since 2003, prosthetists and orthotists have been added to the teams. Children there suffer amputations from causes rare in the US, including burns from live electrical wires lying around and falls into water boiling over open fires. You can read about COTA's work in our Salute article "<a href="edge/issues/articles/2005-02_10.asp">Bringing Help and Hope to Guatemala</a>". We hope you will enjoy this issue of <i>The EDGE</i> and getting to know our new staff member, Rachel Monserrate, in the months ahead.
<img class="" style="float: right;" src="https://opedge.com/Content/OldArticles/images/2005-02_14/Fairley-Miki.jpg" width="230" height="217" hspace="4" vspace="4" /> Amputees as well as the O&P profession lost a dedicated friend when Nancy Carroll, editor of the ACA's <i>inMotion</i> and <i>First Step</i>, died recently. Nancy was truly an inspired and inspiring editor and writer and a warm and compassionate person who will be deeply missed by all of us who had the privilege of knowing her. <h4><i>The EDGE</i> Welcomes New Staff Member</h4> Western Media welcomes another new member to our team. Rachel Monserrate joins <i>The O&P EDGE</i> as our new advertising sales/production assistant. Rachel is a graduate of the Colorado State University (CSU) Technical Journalism program and also holds a minor in Spanish. She has worked in the journalism field since graduating from high school. She was a reporter/editor for the <i>Julesburg Advocate,</i> Julesburg, Colorado, where she earned three Colorado Press Association nominations. Throughout college, Rachel produced her own newsletter, <i>Keeping in Touch</i>, for CSU's international housing community. For the past two years, she also has been a freelance producer on the Emmy Award-winning television show <i>Colorado State of Mind,</i> which airs on Rocky Mountain PBS. <table class="clsTableCaption" style="float: right; width: 22.923%;"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width: 100%;"><img src="https://opedge.com/Content/OldArticles/images/2005-02_14/Monserrate-rachel.jpg" alt="Rachel Monserrate" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 100%;">Rachel Monserrate</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> In her spare time, Rachel enjoys reading and writing. She follows basketball and is a diehard Denver Nuggets fan. Rachel is very excited to be a part of the Western Media team and looks forward to learning more about the O&P industry and building relationships with our colleagues. <h4>Inspiration and Information</h4> Imagine living to 107 years and still going strong and enjoying mobility - despite having an amputation at 102! Read about a remarkable man, Jonas Dennis, in <a href="edge/issues/articles/2005-02_11.asp">Today's Consumer</a>. Competition and encroachment on O&P practice is coming from directions that may be unexpected by many in the profession. The <a href="edge/issues/articles/2005-02_04.asp">Leading EDGE article</a> by healthcare attorney John Latsko may be a wake-up call. O&P practitioners and business owners work too hard to let reimbursement dollars just leak away. Yet this is what could be happening to you! The feature article, "<a href="edge/issues/articles/2005-02_01.asp">Maximizing Collections for Cash Flow</a>," includes helpful information on managing accounts receivable and collections to maximize your reimbursements. For over a decade Children of the Americas (COTA) has been sending medical teams to Guatemala, where about 75 percent of the people live in poverty. Since 2003, prosthetists and orthotists have been added to the teams. Children there suffer amputations from causes rare in the US, including burns from live electrical wires lying around and falls into water boiling over open fires. You can read about COTA's work in our Salute article "<a href="edge/issues/articles/2005-02_10.asp">Bringing Help and Hope to Guatemala</a>". We hope you will enjoy this issue of <i>The EDGE</i> and getting to know our new staff member, Rachel Monserrate, in the months ahead.