Are you better at starting projects or finishing them?Definitely starting! If you were a musical instrument, what would it be and why? The sliding trombone, because I always feel like I go forward and then back. What book have you read most recently? Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus. What responsibilities related to O&P do you love? Hate? I love manufacturing and new ideas--hate paperwork and paying bills. If you were a superhero/cartoon character, who would it be and why? Gumby--because then it wouldn't hurt to be stretched in ten different directions. What do you feel motivates and drives you at work? Solving problems; making my patients' lives better.
Are you better at starting projects or finishing them?Definitely starting! If you were a musical instrument, what would it be and why? The sliding trombone, because I always feel like I go forward and then back. What book have you read most recently? Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus. What responsibilities related to O&P do you love? Hate? I love manufacturing and new ideas--hate paperwork and paying bills. If you were a superhero/cartoon character, who would it be and why? Gumby--because then it wouldn't hurt to be stretched in ten different directions. What do you feel motivates and drives you at work? Solving problems; making my patients' lives better.