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Students from IIT and UDB work together on one of the young patients. |
The presentation of a new, cost-efficient kit to facilitate bracing for scoliosis patients was the culmination of a year-long project to develop a basic system whose prototype was designed by Jose Miguel Gomez, MD, and Nicolas Rojas, Gilete, O and P International. The kit was a focal point during a weeklong seminar on spinal orthotics held in May at Don Bosco University (UDB) in El Salvador’s capital, San Salvador. Co-hosts were an Interprofessional Project (IPRO) team from Chicago’s Illinois Institute of Technology, led by Professor Kevin Meade, PhD, and Patrick Flanagan, CO. (See “Project to Aid Scoliosis Patients in Developing Countries,” The O&P EDGE, May 2003; Quick Code: EDGV503)
The only O&P educational program in Central America
accredited by the International Society for Prosthetics &
Orthotics (ISPO), Don Bosco is host to student trainees from a
multitude of countries in Central and South America. The seminar
was attended by orthotics students in their final year at UDB and
professionals from various related fields, including physical
therapy, orthopedics, and orthotics. Participation and insight from
attending physicians (Dra. María Teresa de Avila, Dra. Luz
Marina Araujo de Jaco, Dra. Severita Carrillo Barrientos, Dr.
Manuel Reinaldo Contreras Bonilla, and Dr. Hernán Darío
Sánchez) truly enhanced the educational experience. In my
opinion, the greatest advantage of the ITT group’s liaison with UDB
was the initiation of a waterfall effect of knowledge that was
disseminated to students who can return to their home countries to
better treat patients.
The first day of the seminar kicked off on a positive note with
friendly introductions, thought-provoking questions, and the
discussion of individual expectations. The three main expectations
of the seminar were: 1) to attempt to create a standardized
treatment protocol including the clinical exam, x-ray evaluation,
and orthotic treatment; 2) to focus on a biomechanical approach to
scoliosis treatment rather than a specific brand or type of brace,
and 3) a start-to-finish learning process about the causes of
scoliosis and options for treatment. Questions about the scoliosis
kit primarily pertained to the advantages of this technology in
developing countries. As Dr. Gomez explained, the difference lies
largely in the tendency in wealthier countries, such as the US, to
have greater access to surgical treatment. In countries where
surgery is less available, effective orthotic treatment can help
obviate the need for surgery. Understanding different biomechanical
approaches and fabrication techniques can improve orthotic
management of scoliosis. Furthermore, the simplicity and
flexibility of the kit allows for greater use, mobility, and
standardization in environments that lack access to other
alternative treatments.
During the week, a variety of scoliosis cases were evaluated for
treatment, using the kit. The scoliosis kit was utilized in three
cases with remarkable results. After a week of intense lectures,
castings, fabrication, and fittings, each case was presented on the
final day. Significant correction, clinically and radiographically,
could be seen in every single case. Long-term feedback from
patients and follow-up medical exams will be an important factor in
determining the complete effectiveness of this system, but the
results so far are certainly encouraging.
The considerable success of the project in achieving its goals
can be attributed to the participation and critical analysis of
students, participating professionals, and UDB faculty. The
exchange of ideas and specialized knowledge was an accomplishment
only superseded by the new ties forged out of mutual respect and
friendship of all in attendance.
(To read a report in Spanish by Bairon Mejía and Marvin
Gramajo, visit www.oandp.com/edge)
This IPRO project in scoliosis is an ongoing effort at IIT. For
more information and to view photos, visit www.iit.edu/~ipro319f.
Joyce Tan is a fifth-year student pursuing a bachelors degree in architecture through the five-year professional program at the Illinois Institute of Technology.