The National Commission on Orthotic and Prosthetic Education (NCOPE) is hosting its annual Virtual Residency Fair September 21-23. The event will provide O&P facilities with the opportunity to meet, learn about, and hire the best resident candidates. Residents will meet with multiple clinics, find a residency site, and talk to current and recent residents.
NCOPE and its sponsors are hosting the event at no cost to future, current, and past residents and residency program directors, mentors, and administrators.
Organizations that host accredited residency programs can request a booth until September 13. Booths are being granted as available and priority is being granted in the following order:
- The residency site hires residents annually.
- The residency site advertises residency positions and accepts applications using the orthotics and prosthetics residency centralized application service (OPRESCAS).
- The residency site demonstrates compliance with the NCOPE residency standards.
To request a booth, visit the Residency Site Booth Request form.
A detailed schedule will be added to the NCOPE website page as participants and events are finalized.