Amy Purdy, a bilateral below knee amputee and advocate for Freedom Innovations Inc., has been cast in a leading role for an upcoming independent motion picture. "What's Bugging Seth", a drama by Man of Steel Productions, is presently being shot in Monterey, California, with a pre-release date scheduled for October of 2004 and a theater release later in 2005. "What's Bugging Seth" is based on a man who is hearing impaired, looking for success in both business and life (the movie's producer, Eli Steel is hearing impaired). He meets Purdy's character and their relationship changes their lives dramatically. The movie focuses on the issues of insecurity, independence, and learning to be comfortable with who you are. Although the plot may be a familiar genre in filmmaking, casting an actual double-amputee in a lead role is not. The cast and crew for the film believe it will make great strides for the physically challenged throughout the world, showing that although people may have physical differences they face the same challenges and struggles throughout life. The film's use of a double-amputee also brings the abilities and potential of amputees to a new and exciting level. Purdy, 24, was born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada. At 19, after experiencing flu-like symptoms for about 24 hours, she was rushed to the hospital in a state of septic shock. En route to the hospital, Purdy experienced respiratory and renal failure. These factors, combined with a blood condition called DIC (the blood becomes extremely thin and creates microscopic blood clots), caused Purdy to lose circulation to her feet, hands, nose, ears, and kidneys, and caused her lungs and adrenal glands to hemorrhage; but miraculously her heart and brain were unaffected. After 32 blood transfusions and removal of her ruptured spleen, doctors diagnosed Purdy with a form of bacterial meningitis called Neisseria Meningitis. Following this, Purdy was in a coma for more than three weeks, and doctors gave her a two percent chance of survival. Due to the lack of circulation Purdy had suffered at the beginning of her ordeal, doctors had to amputate her legs below the knee. Her other extremities regained their circulation and escaped amputation, although almost two years later Purdy would receive a kidney transplant from her father. Purdy was the first person in Las Vegas in more than 20 years to contract Neisseria Meningitis and survive. After surviving this life-altering trauma, Purdy challenged herself to move on with her life and not only regain some sense of "normalcy," but attain goals that even people who still have both of their legs struggle to achieve. She received a grant through The Challenged Athlete Foundation (CAF), which allowed her to travel the United States to various snowboarding competitions. In 2003, Purdy moved to San Diego, to be near CAF in order to get more involved and to continue her occupation as a massage therapist. This relocation opened several doors for Purdy in the modeling and acting industry. In February of the same year, Purdy played a runway model in a music video for Madonna; she has also modeled for various photography projects including Freedom Innovations Runway prosthetic foot ads, and is currently featured in the first edition of Fugue Magazine, an art, culture, and music magazine. "To see our products have such a positive and life altering impact on amputees is the best that the team at Freedom Innovations could hope for," said President and COO of Freedom Innovations, Richard Myers. "The Runway foot is an extraordinary prosthetic foot, and Amy Purdy's success with it in both her personal and professional life is a true testament to its viability. As one of Freedom's Amputee Advocates we are proud to see Amy providing inspiration to amputees through her work." Purdy is currently in the process of forming a non-profit organization geared towards giving those with disabilities the opportunity to participate in action sports, such as snowboarding, skateboarding, and surfing. Her goal is to assist them with equipment costs, training, and motivation. Purdy also hopes to include music and art programs to provide a cultural influence, and encourage disabled artists to become involved.
Amy Purdy, a bilateral below knee amputee and advocate for Freedom Innovations Inc., has been cast in a leading role for an upcoming independent motion picture. "What's Bugging Seth", a drama by Man of Steel Productions, is presently being shot in Monterey, California, with a pre-release date scheduled for October of 2004 and a theater release later in 2005. "What's Bugging Seth" is based on a man who is hearing impaired, looking for success in both business and life (the movie's producer, Eli Steel is hearing impaired). He meets Purdy's character and their relationship changes their lives dramatically. The movie focuses on the issues of insecurity, independence, and learning to be comfortable with who you are. Although the plot may be a familiar genre in filmmaking, casting an actual double-amputee in a lead role is not. The cast and crew for the film believe it will make great strides for the physically challenged throughout the world, showing that although people may have physical differences they face the same challenges and struggles throughout life. The film's use of a double-amputee also brings the abilities and potential of amputees to a new and exciting level. Purdy, 24, was born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada. At 19, after experiencing flu-like symptoms for about 24 hours, she was rushed to the hospital in a state of septic shock. En route to the hospital, Purdy experienced respiratory and renal failure. These factors, combined with a blood condition called DIC (the blood becomes extremely thin and creates microscopic blood clots), caused Purdy to lose circulation to her feet, hands, nose, ears, and kidneys, and caused her lungs and adrenal glands to hemorrhage; but miraculously her heart and brain were unaffected. After 32 blood transfusions and removal of her ruptured spleen, doctors diagnosed Purdy with a form of bacterial meningitis called Neisseria Meningitis. Following this, Purdy was in a coma for more than three weeks, and doctors gave her a two percent chance of survival. Due to the lack of circulation Purdy had suffered at the beginning of her ordeal, doctors had to amputate her legs below the knee. Her other extremities regained their circulation and escaped amputation, although almost two years later Purdy would receive a kidney transplant from her father. Purdy was the first person in Las Vegas in more than 20 years to contract Neisseria Meningitis and survive. After surviving this life-altering trauma, Purdy challenged herself to move on with her life and not only regain some sense of "normalcy," but attain goals that even people who still have both of their legs struggle to achieve. She received a grant through The Challenged Athlete Foundation (CAF), which allowed her to travel the United States to various snowboarding competitions. In 2003, Purdy moved to San Diego, to be near CAF in order to get more involved and to continue her occupation as a massage therapist. This relocation opened several doors for Purdy in the modeling and acting industry. In February of the same year, Purdy played a runway model in a music video for Madonna; she has also modeled for various photography projects including Freedom Innovations Runway prosthetic foot ads, and is currently featured in the first edition of Fugue Magazine, an art, culture, and music magazine. "To see our products have such a positive and life altering impact on amputees is the best that the team at Freedom Innovations could hope for," said President and COO of Freedom Innovations, Richard Myers. "The Runway foot is an extraordinary prosthetic foot, and Amy Purdy's success with it in both her personal and professional life is a true testament to its viability. As one of Freedom's Amputee Advocates we are proud to see Amy providing inspiration to amputees through her work." Purdy is currently in the process of forming a non-profit organization geared towards giving those with disabilities the opportunity to participate in action sports, such as snowboarding, skateboarding, and surfing. Her goal is to assist them with equipment costs, training, and motivation. Purdy also hopes to include music and art programs to provide a cultural influence, and encourage disabled artists to become involved.