The American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics and Pedorthics (ABC) has published its new Pedorthic Exam Candidate Self Assessment Checklist.
The self-assessment checklist was created by ABC with the input of Steven Whiteside, CO, FAAOP; Dennis Janisse, CPed; and Donald Pierson Jr., CO, CPed. To create the checklist, the committee used the results from the ABC Certified Pedorthist Practice Analysis published earlier this year. The practice analysis was produced from data collected in an ABC survey that asked how much time pedorthists spend on each domain of practice. ABC uses the data to develop credentialing-exam content and guidance for educational programs and to produce tools such as the checklist.
According to ABC, the Pedorthic Exam Candidate Self Assessment Checklist gives candidates guidelines as to the areas they should focus on and the amount of time they should spend in each of the six domains of practice while obtaining the 1,000 hours of experience required before taking the ABC certification exam. The domains for certified pedorthists include patient assessment, formulation and implementation of the treatment plan, follow-up treatment plan, practice management, and promotion of competency and enhancement of professional practice. Candidates who spend the recommended percentage of time in each domain will match the amount of time that current CPeds spend in each domain.
ABC stated that the checklist is designed to help candidates during their work experience period to make sure that they are receiving the appropriate amount of training in each domain area as identified by the profession.
“The checklist is a great tool to help candidates structure their time, as well as to help prepare for the ABC CPed exam,” said Catherine Carter executive director of ABC.
The checklist also includes a section titled, “Pedorthic Knowledge and Skills Statement.” The section includes a rating scale on which candidates can evaluate themselves to determine what their strengths and weakness are and to identify what areas of knowledge or skills need additional focus during their training.
The final section of the checklist includes a recommended-device list. It lists the devices on which CPeds reported that they typically spend their time. The chart helps candidates ensure they are spending the appropriate amount of time on each type of device and identifies where they may need additional exposure.
To download the Pedorthic Exam Candidate Self Assessment Checklist, visit